Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My BFF turned 30!!

On the 14th my BFF (since we were in the 8th grade) turned 30! We went to Roman's Oasis in to do some Country dancing.

It was supposed to be a surprise, but Adriane is a butt-head (you can say that about your best friend since 8th grade) and found out early what the plan was.

That's okay, it was a lot of fun anyhow. I hope she knows how special she is!!

Keira Turned 3!

Sorry this is really late, but man have we been busy! Anyhow, my sweet baby girl turned 3 on September 13th! We had a small family party at a park in my parent's neighborhood. It was a little warm, but otherwise a great night! Her theme (after much consideration) was Tinkerbell. I made her a purple tutu and got her a tink shirt to wear. Auntie Brenda brought her a pair of wings that Brenda's sister-in-law (does that make her my sister-in-law in any way, because I really would like to have her as one?!) gave her for Keira. It was the perfect accessory. She truly looked like a little fairy fluttering around the park. She enjoyed the slides and the swings... swings are her favorite.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Things I Love, Part One - {{Pictures}}

I love playing with the "classic" photo setting on my new camera. I spent a little time last night snapping shots of some things I love in Keira's room:

Of course I love Keira:

A Martha Stewart Mobile I made for Keira's Room:

A little jewelry box that belonged
to my Granny, my Great-Grandmother Britton.
{Miss her!}

A beautiful clock my Nana made for me, dated: 09/29/09 ~

My 3rd Birthday!