Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Review

Getting ready for work this last Friday was made "special" when I went to start up my blow dryer and it just wouldn't start.  The reset button had popped out and would not go back in.  I'm sure there was some reason for this & maybe it kept my house from catching fire or something, but it sure did stink!  I had to go to work with wet hair & a head cold.  Turns out 2 of my friends on FB also had their blow dryers go out while getting ready that day!  Weird, huh?  Turns out that Ulta sent me one of the coveted 20% off coupons and they were also having a sale on blow dryers.  {{Did Ulta pull off some master plan to bring more customers in this weekend? You be the judge.}}  Anyhow, thanks to my coupon & a gift card left over from my birthday {{♥ Hubby & Kids ♥}} I was able to purchase a new one.  Keira picked out the one in the picture.  She also picked out a nail polish, quite an affair in itself, and I gave her a mani/pedi when we got home.  A full-service mani/pedi complete with a foot soak, exfoliating scrub, lotion massage and these PINK piggies.
((You may noticed that Keira painted my nails.  And she has my hands!  Sad for her, fun for me!))

Today was made special by a family battle at Gold Fish.  Errr, Go Fish.  Team Trab & Dad beat The Grilz Team by 3.  This was a family first so it was pretty funny to try and explain the concept to the little ones.  The cards are so darn big, it was hard for little hands to keep them all organized and held in one hand without showing their cards.

On the big kid front, Tyler's been schooling me on the art of CoD Black Ops.  We did two player split screen, even though I can hardly see what's what.  Tyler's proud of me though.  He said, "We need more girls on here, Mom."

Nathan & I spent some quality time together in Azeroth.  ♥ Ah, Romance.

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Shadow

My Keira likes to do whatever I'm doing.  If I'm doing laundry, she's there helping me load it into the dryer & all over that "Start" button.  If I'm going shopping, after we come to an agreement {through MUCH negotiation} on what's okay to wear & what shoes to wear it with, we are out the door and out looking for deals & pretty things that sparkle.  If I'm on the computer, she's either on my lap or playing on the floor next to me.  She is almost always with me, and we like it that way!

 Sunday, I was cozy in my bed reading my book & here she was next to me, "reading" hers. 

I sure ♥ my little shadow.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today I discovered FotoFlexer & using these adorable frames that I got as freebies from Shabby Blogs I was able to make this:

It was pretty easy too.  Isn't the internet nifty?!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Long Weekends

I always make grand plans for long weekends.  I very seldom do anything I planned.  This last long weekend was no exception.  I had planned to scrub my house from top to bottom, but instead I spent precious time with my darling family.  The kids & I started out Friday right with our ritual Super Target shopfest.  Saturday night we went to my parent's for dinner & Mom made Brenda's special request, lasagna.  It was delightful!  Sunday we tanked up at SuperSalad in honor of my Grandpa's 80th birthday & then spent some time back at his place.  Monday us girls (sisters, sister-cousins & Aunt) had planned to visit Dolceland but we were too late with our planning and it didn't really work out.  So instead I read, gamed & read some more with loads of laundry in-between.  After that was done I had to pick up after Travis & Keira's day of destruction & then it was time for bed.  *Insert more reading!*  Plans are nice, but sometimes not following the plan works out well too. ♥

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ode to My Lost Diet Coke

I bought you in Wal-mart. For hours I had craved your crisp refreshment. In the check-out lane, I waited. I waited for the cashier to ring up everyone with smokes in another lane.  At last, it was my turn to buy you. I put you down to be rung up first. Then I did not put you in a bag, oh no.  You sat in the front of the cart, right next to my purse. Then came the groceries. Those stupid groceries. They went into my car first, while you had to wait. At last, the groceries were stowed away, snug in the back of my sport utility vehicle. I thought I grabbed you when I grabbed my purse. I got into my seat, put on my driving slippers and backed out of my space. I pulled out onto Glendale Avenue, mouth watering with anticipation of the way your bubbles would burn my nose on my first sip.  But, you were gone. You were not there. I'm sorry, 20 oz bottle of Diet Coke. I must have left you in the cart. You were probably cold and lonely. I failed you. I failed my thirst.  I am sorry!  

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kinterviews, Part One

What would you do if...
(Make sure you watch in 720p, it's much better!)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Attitude Adjustment Weather

Yesterday I was colder than I've been in a long time. At work I had my jacket on and my little space heater most of the day. When I got home, it was cold there too. I got under my heated blanky for a while, took a hot shower and then found warmth under my Snuggie. {don't hate on Snuggies}

When the boys & I went outside to leave for school/work there seemed to be more frost on the windows and I thought for sure today would be an even colder day than yesterday.

Then, lunch time came. I was able to take off my jacket & drive around Downtown Glendale with my moonroof open an put my windows down. It was cool still, but not cold. And it was beautiful outside!

What's the big deal?  Nothing really.  It's colder in other states.  It's warm in other parts of the world.  It's just that today is one of the days when everything outside feels, looks, smells wonderful.  It is one of the days I can truly say I love where I live.  It was attitude-adjusting weather.  Just what I needed. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy NY! 2010

Someone should probably take the Flip away from me! This could be bad.

Sunday, January 2, 2011