Saturday, October 10, 2009

Top 10 Reasons I Love Being Married to Nathan

In honor of our 10th wedding Anniversary,
which is fast approaching,
I made a "Top Ten" list of reasons why I love being married to Nathan.

10. He "lets me" decorate our room in Shabby Chic! ;)

9. He gave me PINK sapphires!!

8. Sometimes when I'm so mad I want to hit him, he makes me laugh instead.

7. He has the craziest sense of humor, OH MY!!!

6. He drives a sexy truck!

5. When he's working nights, he calls me every night & before me & the kids leave in the morning.

4. He works SO HARD for his family! (And his uniform.... oh yeah!! LOVE IT!)

3. He has over-come mountains!

2. He is the BEST Daddy to our babies.

1. He loves me. He loves me.

What a blessing it is, to find someone on this planet who chooses to become family with you. Of all the people, in all the world, we chose take a chance on each other. Pros & Cons! Some days, I just can't get over that part! It's amazing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My BFF turned 30!!

On the 14th my BFF (since we were in the 8th grade) turned 30! We went to Roman's Oasis in to do some Country dancing.

It was supposed to be a surprise, but Adriane is a butt-head (you can say that about your best friend since 8th grade) and found out early what the plan was.

That's okay, it was a lot of fun anyhow. I hope she knows how special she is!!

Keira Turned 3!

Sorry this is really late, but man have we been busy! Anyhow, my sweet baby girl turned 3 on September 13th! We had a small family party at a park in my parent's neighborhood. It was a little warm, but otherwise a great night! Her theme (after much consideration) was Tinkerbell. I made her a purple tutu and got her a tink shirt to wear. Auntie Brenda brought her a pair of wings that Brenda's sister-in-law (does that make her my sister-in-law in any way, because I really would like to have her as one?!) gave her for Keira. It was the perfect accessory. She truly looked like a little fairy fluttering around the park. She enjoyed the slides and the swings... swings are her favorite.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Things I Love, Part One - {{Pictures}}

I love playing with the "classic" photo setting on my new camera. I spent a little time last night snapping shots of some things I love in Keira's room:

Of course I love Keira:

A Martha Stewart Mobile I made for Keira's Room:

A little jewelry box that belonged
to my Granny, my Great-Grandmother Britton.
{Miss her!}

A beautiful clock my Nana made for me, dated: 09/29/09 ~

My 3rd Birthday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Tutu for Keira!

This is my first attempt to make a tutu for my
Princess Keira!
I did okay!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Is that a pita in your pocket?

Another great find from MP!
Check the link out here: Pita Pocket Link

I'd like to take a bowl of cilantro jalapeno hummus to this, but that would be bad. And dumb. Maybe I'll just get one and stuff it with greens.

{dollar dollar bills ya'll}

Maybe Emily [my littlest baby sister] could make some of these to go with her purse line. Something reflecting part of our heritage. Or all of it? Something along the lines of a "Hardtack Indian Fry Satchel?" What would that look like?!

{new} Pink Picture Taker Fun

My camera was broken for too long. Now I have a new, pretty pink one! Best of all I'm snapping memories once again! This puts me in the best mood! Here's the picture blog of my first day out and about with my new pink picture taker!

1st: I try to perfect my pucker pout, aka : myspace lips.

Yeah, I'll keep working on it.

2nd: I accidentally take a picture of my coworker eating his lunch and it's pretty cool:

3rd: I take a picture of my totally fab purse made by my very own littlest baby sister, Emily. She's calling her line Selphish! Adorable!! 4th: {Finally!} I come home to find 3 little monkeys, I mean babies, playing on my bed. I lay down with them and get this great shot... on the 1st try! Lucky day for a lucky Momma!
This is by far my favorite moment of the day!

Last: I bake, which is what I do. These are pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!

Thank you for sharing my day with me!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just because MY kids can do it...

After church this afternoon, me and the kids stopped at our neighborhood Safeway to pick up some items for tonight's dinner. We started out in the dairy/cookie isle. While I was picking out a block of motzerlla cheese and having an internal debate about weither shredding it myself would really save enough money to be worth the extra effort, Travis had run down to the end of the isle, Spiderman style. I picked up my cheese and proceeded to walk down the isle towards my little superhero when I walked passed a lady and a young boy about 4 or 5 who were in the isle with us. As I'm walking by she takes her kid by the shoulder and says, "Just because he [pointing at Travis] can.." And that's all I heard.

Instantly this lady is my sworn enemy! I loath her. How dare she point at MY angle boy and use him as an example of how not to be?! How can she look at that face, with those big, blue eyes and think anything but that he should be able to do whatever he wants!? Does she not know he is perfectly perfect?!?! I do my best to keep my mouth shut and finish my shopping. I go pick out a soft, fresh garlic bread loaf, a lite Cesar salad kit and some Hansen's soda to enjoy with our dinner. And by the time I'm loading my groceries into my SUV I realize the only logical conclusion I can come to: She just must have been saying to her child, "Just because he can be the cutest kid on the planet, doesn't mean you can be to."

What kind of a mother would say that to her child?!

Friday, August 7, 2009

If you're crazy and you know it, drive like this:

This technique was demonstrated to me today by a gentleman (not a senior citizen) driving an old Benz with stuffed animals clogging up the back window:
1. When approaching an intersection with a green light, STOP and look both ways. Then proceed through.
2. When approaching the next intersection with a 4 way stop, do not stop until you are half way through that intersection. At which point, stop just long enough to look insane and then be on your way.
I may try this some time.
First I have to raid my kids' stuffed animal toy box.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Travis says...

that one of his teachers (not his regular one) "talks funny." He said she talks like an alien.
On the other hand, he remembered his teacher's name tonight! Progress!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The first two days of school went well!
This year Tyler gets to use an agenda where he has to log all assignments, including homework, and I have to sign over it each night. At first he was a bit frustrated with that, but tonight he told me he really likes it. I'm glad he's finding pleasure in organization! [Maybe he can teach me how to apply it better to my life!]

Here's an example of Tyler's humor that I love so much: Yesterday I had to fill out a paper for his teacher saying what subjects I think he enjoys or does well in and tid bits about his personality. I put that Tyler loves learning science, about animals and about space. And, that he is pretty good at math and getting better at spelling/writing. Well today Tyler tells me that I should have written that he's dyslexic and does really bad at social studies, math and science. [WHY, you ask?!] So that his teacher would've been really surprised with his improvement this year! Ha-ha-ha! That's my Tyler.

Travis is having a good time, from all accounts. He just doesn't want to go back?! Silly boy. Nathan told me that he's coming home wiped out... all day Kinder does that to a boy. I heard his BFF, Toby, is having the same issue! So far all I know is that they sing the "Days of the Week" song and that he gets to play on the playground. Hopefully I'll be able to get more out of him by the end of the week.

Here's a picture my bestie got of our two big boys on their first day of school!

They're bringing cuteness back!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brudders' Big Day

Tomorrow this baby goes to his first day of Kindergarten
& this little boy goes to his first day of 4th grade!

The day we brought Travis home from the hospital, Tyler told him, "I won't let anything happen to you." I hope Tyler looks out for his little brother tomorrow. It will make my day a little easier.

Here are most recent pictures:

Tyler Matthew [9] & Travis Andrew [5]

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tyler needs some cash, quick!

Tyler recently saw a new air soft gun he wants really bad. He's been cleaning extra to try and earn more allowance. And, he told Nathan he wants a "Cash Advance" on his allowance. What?!? We (of course) ask Tyler where he learned about cash advances. His answer: Mr. Crabs! From Sponge Bob. Hahahaha!

You can't say Sponge Bob isn't informative!

Monday, July 13, 2009

"If you wash your body"

[This blog was written a few nights ago. I think the children went all WWE on eachother before I could post and I forgot until now!]

Tonight Keira told me that I'm beautiful.

Then while getting ready for bed (brushing teeth, putting on pj's) Travis & Keira were singing "If you wash your body" to the tune of Rod Stewart's "If you want my body." Daddy must have come up with that while giving them a bath earlier today. I love it. He is a sweet Daddy to my babies. Sweet, with a little twist! ;)

Now all 3 are crying... something to do with the x-box and wanting attention and us all just being very tired. It is SO bed time.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Walk & Warner

I made myself take a walk at work today to try and wake-up. As I rounded the first corner of the park I thought about how great exercise is and how I wish I had magic to make myself be addicted to it. THEN I thought, "Duh, Self. If you had magic you could make yourself skinny/healthy and wouldn't NEED exercise." [this is how my brain works!]

As in Kurt Warner of the Arizona Cardinals, 2009 NFC Champions!

Yeah, this guy! Me, Emily, Tyler, Travis & Keira got to meet him tonight! He and his wife, Brenda, just released a new book "First Things First" and they were doing a book signing at the Family Life Christian Bookstore here in Phoenix. We waited in a pretty good sized line but it was fun. We got to chat with MP & mini MP. :) I didn't get a picture of me by them, it got sort of hectic at that point. But, you CAN see my arm as proof I was there! Travis got a high five too, pretty cute. A night to remember for sure! And I have a new book to read!

I just wish I would've told him thank you for the most exciting football season ever. That season was such an amazing ride! I hope this years is amazing too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Talk About a Hero!

This construction worker hung from a chain, hooked to a crane, to rescue this poor lady who was stuck in a dam, after several failed attempts from a fire fighter rescue crew. I'd say this guy has earned some bragging rights. But so far, he's been pretty modest. This is a very impressive picture though. Had to share!

Read more of the story!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Michael Jackson

And when the groove is dead and gone (yeah)

You know that love survives

So we can rock forever, on

~ Rock With You

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Took My Boy To Work

Every year my work hosts a "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day." I used to go with my Daddy & now I get to take my kids, as soon as they turn 8 years old! This year was Tyler's second time going & we had an extra special time. We toured one of the City's water treatment plants, which was fun but so very hot! Then we went to tour Transit. We got to see a bunch of equipment and see a training room where the technicians are trained on any imaginable situation that might come up with the street signals. For lunch, Tyler got to join me and my division co-workers at Yard House at Westgate. [Here me & MP kept a look-out for a certain ML, who was no where to be found. #7!!]

Our last tour of the day was at the channel 11 studio, which is at Westgate just north of where the Cardinal's play, Arena. Here Tyler actually got to help record a mini kids' show! Tyler wasn't up for being in front of the camera, so the first shoot he was a camera man & the second he was a boom mic operator! He took his job seriously and it was just ADORABLE! Maybe a job in tv in his future? :)

The day ended with a raffle prize drawing and Tyler won the grand prize! The suspense as they read of the first and last of his 3 digit ticket number was unreal! And so was the size of the basket full of Cerreta's candy that he won! It was so big, it was hard for him to hold.

Tyler has said this was "The best day" of his life. I know I'll never forget it!

Cool or Creepy?!

I can't decide if I'm scared or excited?! Tim Burton films always creep me out, even if I sort of like them. I guess this will be no exception, but take a look at more pictures from his remake of Alice in Wonderland.
Me & Brenda will probably end up watching this together and then spend time questioning why we ever thought we should? LOL! ;)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Back to Blogging!

I've been unable to find the chance to blog this last week! It's been so very busy.

The weekend of June 6th was a BIG event! Me, Emily, Brenda & Tristan took all three of my kids on their first ever camping trip! It was a lot of fun!! First of all, the drive to Payson was beautiful! I really enjoyed watching the desert change from saguaro dotted to pine filled and everything in between. It really rekindled an appreciation for God's handy work. Once we got to our site things went fairly smooth. Tristan made me, Brenda & Emily chop fire wood... (what?!?) but it turned out to be a satisfying task for me. Travis & Keira's favorite thing seemed to be either playing in the tent or going #2 in the middle of the woods. Tyler was the king of roasting anything he could put on the stick. Roasted carrot anyone?! The only thing none of us enjoyed was the freezing night in the tent! In Arizona you don't expect it to be so cool in June, even in high country. But, it was miserably cold despite all the fleece blankets, sleeping bags & layers AND layers of clothes. Other than that, it was a fun time with family. I love my sisters & Tristan for going with us!!

Come Monday night it was time for Vacation Bible School! Each night I dropped the boys off at "The Bayou" or "Crocodile Dock" and each night they had loads of fun. One night I asked Travis what he learned about and he said, "We learned about Moses. And God was on fire... but it didn't hurt!" [Moses & the burning bush!] Tyler was very interested in the story of Moses and the Pharaoh who thought he didn't have to obey God. We borrowed "The Ten Commandments" from Papa to watch soon. I can't wait to see Tyler & Travis' faces as they see the whole story on screen.

Then there was this last weekend. I still don't have words to describe the myriad of feelings I had this weekend. Someone I know and admire suffered a major heart trauma and has been in the ICU fighting for her life. She's about my age, about 5x's more active than me and is the doting mother of 5 very young children. This gal, draws you to her. She remembers important things about your life, even if it's been a while since you've seen each other. And she makes you feel like it's only been a minute. It was hard to believe someone so full of [all the good parts of] LIFE could be so sick. What is not hard to believe is that she is improving every day and FIGHTING her sedation. If you think of me, think of my friend Bridget and pray for her. Pray for strength for her closest friends and family and for her precious, beautiful babies.

Closing this blog up, I have to show you the cuteness that is Travis at his Daddy's work, shortly after he got an impromptu mini tour Sunday night.

He SURE loves his Daddy & his Daddy's work!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I could love wolves...

So, I'm TEAM EDWARD all the way...

But New Moon is really long & dogs are nice pets!


November, could you get here already?!?

My how they love to swing!


what it was like

to fly?!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I feel like being silly.

So, I thought I'd share something I wrote a few months back for my man.

Who dis be?
It's the W-I-F-E,
Here to make her man laugh n say tee-hee-hee.

Hee hee hee,What'cha know about me?
I gots blond hair and I cry so easily.
I don't make your bed up and I go to mine early,but when I lay my lovin down I cover you - for surely.

No my name ain't Chloe, or Channel or Fergie,
It's the J-E-S-S-I-C-A,and yes you know just how I play,
I go to my job-ie where I makes ma money,
and if I run out than I call ma honey.
He's Nate,
The Dogg,
the D-O double G,
And now this dogg be answering to me-hee-hee!

You may have to know my husband to fully appreciate this lyrical explosion (LOL), but I get repeat requests from my babies to perform this so at least it's entertaining at the preschool/elementary level. Which is more than I can say for some of the stuff I hear on the radio.

[But seriously... any agents out there, hit me up.]

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Memorial Day

We spent the afternoon at my parent's house eating BBQ & swimming! Unfortunately, I have misplaced my camera and this is the only shot I got of the day. Still, I took a lot of time (so don't laugh) arranging this and like the colors! Fry's had the most beautiful lemons so I bought a bunch and made fresh squeezed raspberry lemonade! Yummy!

You're digging my vintage juicer, huh?!

My Nana gave it to us several years ago. It works perfectly!

Brenda's Bridal Shower

This last Sunday I was honored to host
a Bridal Shower for my little sister,
Brenda Lynn!

The preparations included a big yard sale a few months back, lots of shopping, some printing and painting and help from the other bride's maids Anna & Emily! And, Brenda's friend Jessica helped out by bringing an ice sculpture!

Baker Wee did the cake and I can not say enough great things about them! From picking up pink ribbon for me, to creating a scrumptious cake that was sparkly and pretty in every way, they were just top-notch and I'm so glad we used them! I will be getting more cakes there in the future, for sure!

Other highlights of the day included, Brenda! She was radiant and adorable and everything a young bride-to-be should be!

The games turned out to be tons of fun. We learned the torrid [ha-ha] story of how Brenda & Tristan met and found out who loves Target the most: Heather, Tara & Lilly! They correctly guesstimated the costs of 9 household items (bought at Target) and summed it up to be only a few cents off the actual cost!

After cake, Brenda was showered, and showered with gifts... most of which will never see the light of day. In a good way. *wink, wink*

There was advice from both novice and seasoned experts on how to deal with marriage. One of my personal fav's was "Always trust in Jessica." [well, it was misread and was supposed to be Jesus, but ya know... you can never go wrong with trusting your Big Siss] Then there was the advice that brought tears to eyes. The kind that has held generations together. Serious, wonderful, hallowed stuff.

It was a beautiful day. The staff at Grimaldi's in Peoria was FAB! Our Server got everything right and I didn't hear anything but compliments on the food.

I hope Brenda enjoyed the day at least twice as much as I did. We sure do love her!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Girls Night Tonight!

Tonight it was me and Keira at home alone!

[Daddy @ work, brothers @ church]

So, we went to Chick-fil-A and had a great time. Keira ate probably two nuggets, and whatever nutritional value she was able to get out of the one she sucked on, then spit out onto the tray! I, like a good girl, ate all of mine. And the fries. BUT, I didn't eat Keira's!

(Surely this negates the calories of the 2 Samoas I ate at work today. You know, food Karma!)

After chicken, it was time to play! I sat down on the floor in the playroom to watch the fun & one little girl started talking to me. First thing she told me was, "My mommy is really good." She went on to tell me about how her mom plays with her and cooks her pancakes.

It was adorable!!

I hope I'm a good enough mom that my kids will tell an occasional random stranger how great I am!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

N8 turns 32!!

Happy Birthday Dear Nathan!

Friday, May 15th, was my hubbie's 32nd Birthday! We had Macayo's Mini's & cheesecake at our house to celebrate. The food was delish! And the company was even better. We heard stories about Baby Nathan from Blanchie! There was dancing, oh there WAS dancing! Me & the kids got Nathan a kick stand for his gun (bipod) and a new outfit. I can't wait to see him in plaid shorts!! ;) He also got cash & gift cards which he took to Cabela's the very next day and spent on more gun accessories. (Spoild boy!) The sad, sad part is that my camera was dead and I only got a few crappy little pictures to share. It's too bad, because a hubbie only turns 32 once!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My new FAV place in the world! (pretty much)

I found a new favorite thing today! MP told me about the Take Care Clinic at Walgreen's! Tonight was the perfect chance to try it out since Tyler has been complaining about "strep throat" symptoms for the last day and half. I didn't want to do the norm, Good Night Pediatrics, because I needed to take all 3 kids. And while GNP is simply amazing when you need urgent Pediatric care (x-ray on site has caught Keira's pneumonia twice), it is often packed full of very sick little kids. I didn't want to take 1 possibly sick kid and come back with 3 really sick kids! So, I went to try out Take Care Clinic. We walked in and were seen immediately. There was no one else there! Test determined Tyler doesn't have strep, but allergies. Allergies! Go me! Mom of the year! (I HAD NO IDEA!) Oh, well. Makes me even more glad I didn't do GNP tonight!
Anyhow, consider Take Care Clinic if there's one near you. They will see you (and your children
+18 months) for things like ear infections, strep tests, allergies (ha-ha) and a list of other minor health care needs. Also, verify that they are contracted with your insurance company. My work insurance isn't currently, but Nathan's was. It saved me a lot of hassle tonight!
P.S. I threw away the lilies, I believe them to be the cause of the allergies in this house:

Too bad, because they are pretty.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Getting your own house!

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time;
for that's the stuff life is made of." -- Benjamin Franklin

Trabby is having a hard time dealing with his Auntie Brenda moving out of his Papa & Gaw's (Grandma's) house & into her own house. Yesterday when she left to go home he cried and cried and made all of us cry too!

So tonight, Travis was asking me what holiday is "After Mudder's Day." I told him Friday is his Daddy's Birthday & he said, "I don't want it to be Daddy's birthday. Then he'll be bigger and get his own house!" Growing up is a hard thing to understand. From every different angle.

My children have been so spoiled/blessed to have both of their Aunties (my sisters) live "at home" and very close to us for their whole lives. Emily was 9, almost 10, when Tyler was born and she's always been so sweet to play with him. As he got a little older, he used to get mad when her friends came over to play, because sometimes they'd shut the door and leave him out! Once he even knocked on the door and told her friend, "You can go home now!"

Now Tyler's 9 & Brenda's moved out. Trabby's sad & Keira's still not sure what's going on. And sorry Momma if reading this makes you cry! I guess I'm still dealing with this too. I love my family!!

Thankful for Mothers!

My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune. ~Graycie Harmon

The Mothers in my life! I ♥ Them! They pray for me!

For Mother's Day:

T.M. gave me a picture he colored with a song he wrote on it, saying "[My] smile is the only thing that keeps [Him] going." His heart is so tender and mature for his age. My goal for this next year is to help him enjoy his youth & suck every drop of childhood he can out of it!

T.A. sang "Happy Mother's Day" to the tune of "Happy Birthday" to me. Adorable! This next year, I'll get him eased in to school as a Kindergartener and make sure to hold him every chance I get. Give a little, take a little.

K.R. gave me patience. Well, she forced me to summon it! And humility. She showed me a lot about myself. For her, this next year I will help her learn to manage her feelings better. We will also sit in her Rose Petal Cottage and play babies as often as possible!