The weekend of June 6th was a BIG event! Me, Emily, Brenda & Tristan took all three of my kids on their first ever camping trip! It was a lot of fun!! First of all, the drive to Payson was beautiful! I really enjoyed watching the desert change from saguaro dotted to pine filled and everything in between. It really rekindled an appreciation for God's handy work. Once we got to our site things went fairly smooth. Tristan made me, Brenda &

Come Monday night it was time for Vacation Bible School! Each night I dropped the boys off at "The Bayou" or "Crocodile Dock" and each night they had loads of fun. One night I asked Travis what he learned about and he said, "We learned about Moses. And God was on fire... but it didn't hurt!" [Moses & the burning bush!] Tyler was very interested in the story of Moses and the Pharaoh who thought he didn't have to obey God. We borrowed "The Ten Commandments" from Papa to watch soon. I can't wait to see Tyler & Travis' faces as they see the whole story on screen.
Then there was this last weekend. I still don't have words to describe the myriad of feelings I had this weekend. Someone I know and admire suffered a major heart trauma and has been in the ICU fighting for her life. She's about my age, about 5x's more active than me and is the doting mother of 5 very young children. This gal, draws you to her. She remembers important things about your life, even if it's been a while since you've seen each other. And she makes you feel like it's only been a minute. It was hard to believe someone so full of [all the good parts of] LIFE could be so sick. What is not hard to believe is that she is improving every day and FIGHTING her sedation. If you think of me, think of my friend Bridget and pray for her. Pray for strength for her closest friends and family and for her precious, beautiful babies.
Closing this blog up, I have to show you the cuteness that is Travis at his Daddy's work, shortly after he got an impromptu mini tour Sunday night. 

He SURE loves his Daddy & his Daddy's work!
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