The name Simply Shabby Jess is really a tribute to my most favorite style, "Shabby." Which, I'm learning (from looking for backgrounds) is a whole lot more than an isle at Target with soft, pretty things to put on my bed. Although, that IS what turned me on to the look so I have to give props for that! For me, Shabby Chic is a fresh take on everything I loved from my Granny's house. As a little girl I always loved things like the pattern on her china & the pitcher and basin set in the guest room, with the "manual hair curling iron" next to it. It is the soft, feminine patterns that existed in the middle of a time where life was generally rough (I mean, really. They had to use outhouses!) that are to me, so very romantic. I just click with that.
Unfortunately, shabby also describes me, myself! I'm a jumbled mess of a person, inside and out. I'm not fashionable although I love fashion. My house is never together, my kids are a little wild, and my cooking skills are not lacking, but cripplingly limited! June Cleaver is my fantasy role model. But such hallowed status is about as likely for me as wining the lottery. Still, I try. I pick out the parts I do best and arrange them together into what I hope looks sweet, soft and romantic. Genuine & Simple, but still and always shabby.

Great job on your (Non-Shabby) blogsite!
ReplyDeleteLove you Jess,