The Mothers in my life! I ♥ Them! They pray for me!
For Mother's Day:

T.M. gave me a picture he colored with a song he wrote on it, saying "[My] smile is the only thing that keeps [Him] going." His heart is so tender and mature for his age. My goal for this next year is to help him enjoy his youth & suck every drop of childhood he can out of it!

T.A. sang "Happy Mother's Day" to the tune of "Happy Birthday" to me. Adorable! This next year, I'll get him eased in to school as a Kindergartener and make sure to hold him every chance I get. Give a little, take a little.

K.R. gave me patience. Well, she forced me to summon it! And humility. She showed me a lot about myself. For her, this next year I will help her learn to manage her feelings better. We will also sit in her Rose Petal Cottage and play babies as often as possible!
What sweet children you have...Happy Mother's Day!